Coliving, a housing trend gaining popularity worldwide, offers a modern solution to the challenges of urban living - especially faced in Singapore.

In essence, coliving involves sharing living spaces with like-minded individuals, often strangers turned friends, in fully-furnished accommodations equipped with shared amenities and communal areas. Additionally, they often come with a flourishing community which is perfect for people moving overseas wanting to make new connections. On the other hand, standard apartment rentals offer the traditional living arrangement of leasing a private unit within a residential building, providing tenants with their own space and autonomy.

So, which option suits Singapore’s lifestyle better?

Coliving: Embracing Community and Convenience

Coliving spaces in Singapore cater to the needs of individuals craving community, convenience, and flexibility. These modern residences, such as Habyt, Casa Mia Coliving, Cove or Figment, foster a sense of belonging among residents through shared living areas, social events, and networking opportunities. The emphasis on community engagement is what really sets coliving apart from standard rental. In a city teeming with diverse cultures and nationalities, coliving spaces serve as melting pots where residents can exchange ideas, share experiences, and forge lasting friendships. Read more about making friends when moving abroad, here. Regular social events, ranging from bar nights, hikes to cooking classes create opportunities for coliving members to connect on both personal and professional levels, enriching their Singapore experience.This can be especially important if you haven't made any connections or built your network yet. You can find out more about events at Casa Mia, here! 

A few Casa Mia members at a meet the neigbours

Easy Breezy

One of the primary advantages of coliving is its hassle-free nature. With utilities, housekeeping, and maintenance typically included in the rental fee (this depends on operators, so it’s worth double checking!) coliving members can focus on their careers, studies, or personal pursuits without the burden of household chores or admin tasks. Moreover, the all-inclusive pricing structure ensures transparency and eliminates unexpected expenses, making budgeting simpler for expatriates and students adjusting to life in Singapore. It also removes the risk of falling victim to a scam. Especially as a student or professional coming from overseas that isn't able to view apartments in-person, going through an official coliving operator is always best advised. We recently had a member join us that was a victim of rental-scam, read their story and how to avoid scams, here. A number of operators also have partnered with companies such as Rently making the deposit down-payment less of a burden. You can find out more about Rently, here.

Commitment Issues?

Furthermore, coliving appeals to individuals seeking flexibility and mobility. With short-term leases and flexible rental arrangements Unfortunately, the shortest leases in Singapore are 3-months, anything shorter will have to be booked through a hotel or serviced apartment, which tends do be a little more expensive. However, it is the perfect length of time if you are looking into exploring different neighbourhoods, pursue career opportunities in various industries, and adapt to changing circumstances without being tied down by long-term contracts or hefty termination fees.

Proper Coliving or House Share?

Now we're getting into the nitty gritty. You can have coliving or house sharing. But what is the difference? Let's get into it. The main difference is the amenities, setup of the homes and the demographics. Whilst coliving has an emphasis on community, flexibility and access to shared spaces and social events, a house share involves individuals living in a traditional home without the same level of community and communal areas. This setup allows everyone to go on about their day and reduces the amount of socialising, increased independence in selecting housemates as well as the furnishing. This independence can also be felt when it comes to managing additional costs such as utilities and maintenance. Coliving typically covers this (adding onto the ease aspect) whilst individuals in a house share tend to organise this amongst themselves. As mentioned previously, coliving spaces tend to be fully furnished which is practical if you aren't looking to buy furniture. Lastly, Demographically, coliving attracts a more diverse group of residents like international students and professionals, whereas shared housing often includes local residents of various ages and backgrounds

You could argue that a house share is the middle ground between coliving and a standard apartment rental in the sense that you are still sharing a home with other tenants at a cheaper price, you may have less social interaction and no direct access to a coliving community, but instead more independence and privacy.

Standard Apartment Rental: Privacy and Personalization

While coliving offers a unique blend of community and convenience, standard apartment rentals remain a popular choice among those valuing privacy, autonomy, and customization. Renting a private apartment in Singapore grants individuals the freedom to design their living space according to their preferences, lifestyle, and budget, allowing for a more personalised and intimate living experience.

Privacy is perhaps the most significant advantage of standard apartment rentals. Unlike coliving spaces where members share common areas and facilities, you can enjoy sole occupancy and privacy of your own apartment, providing a sanctuary where you can unwind, recharge, and enjoy solitude after a busy day in Singapore!

Furnish To Your Liking

Moreover, standard apartment rentals offer greater autonomy and control over one’s living environment. From selecting furniture and decor to setting house rules and hosting guests, you have the liberty to shape your living space according to your individual tastes, habits, and needs, fostering a sense of ownership and belonging in your home.

Adding Stability To Your Life

Additionally, standard apartment rentals provide stability and security for anyone seeking long-term accommodation solutions in Singapore. With fixed-term leases typically ranging from one to two years, you can establish roots in their chosen neighbourhood and immerse themselves in the local community, contributing to a sense of stability and belonging to the city. 

Finding the Perfect Fit - It Depends On You! 

When you are comparing between coliving and standard apartment rentals and which is better, there really is no one-size-fits-all answer. Both housing options offer unique advantages and cater to different lifestyles, preferences, and priorities. While coliving appeals to individuals craving community, convenience, and flexibility, standard apartment rentals provide privacy and personalization. Ultimately, the choice really boils down to individual preferences and what you’re after! Are you looking for social connections, building a network or would you value personalisation and don’t mind signing a longer contract? Luckily for you, the rental market in Singapore has cooling down over the last months so there are a number of housing options for you. Singapore has a place for everyone to call home!

If you are interested in coliving, why not read our blog, here!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is coliving and how does it work in Singapore? Coliving involves sharing living spaces with like-minded individuals in fully-furnished accommodations equipped with shared amenities and communal areas. It fosters a sense of community through social events and networking opportunities, making it ideal for expatriates and students. Learn more about coliving communities in Singapore here.
  2. What are the benefits of coliving in Singapore? Coliving offers numerous benefits such as convenience, flexibility, and a sense of community. It includes utilities, housekeeping, and maintenance in the rental fee, simplifying budgeting and eliminating unexpected expenses. It also provides a ready-made social network through regular events.
  3. How does coliving compare to standard apartment rentals in terms of community engagement? Coliving emphasizes community engagement through shared living areas and social events, unlike standard apartment rentals which offer more privacy and autonomy but lack communal interactions. Coliving spaces are ideal for making new friends and building networks in a new city.
  4. What is the difference between coliving and house sharing in Singapore? The main difference lies in the amenities, setup, and level of community. Coliving spaces are fully furnished with shared amenities and social events, while house shares involve renting a room in a traditional home with more independence and less communal interaction.
  5. Why might someone choose a standard apartment rental over coliving in Singapore? Standard apartment rentals offer greater privacy and personalization. Tenants can furnish and decorate their living space according to their preferences and enjoy sole occupancy. This option is suitable for those valuing autonomy and long-term stability.
  6. How does the pricing structure of coliving differ from standard apartment rentals? Coliving typically includes all utilities, housekeeping, and maintenance in the rental fee, offering an all-inclusive pricing structure. Standard apartment rentals require tenants to manage and pay for these services separately, which can lead to unexpected expenses.
  7. What are the advantages of short-term leases in coliving spaces? Coliving spaces often offer short-term leases, providing flexibility for individuals who may want to explore different neighborhoods or pursue various career opportunities without being tied down by long-term contracts.
  8. How can coliving help avoid rental scams in Singapore? Coliving through reputable operators ensures a safe and reliable renting experience, reducing the risk of falling victim to rental scams. Official coliving companies provide verified listings and transparent processes, especially important for those unable to view apartments in person. Read how can you avoid rental scams in Singapore.
  9. What types of social events and networking opportunities are available in coliving spaces? Coliving spaces host a variety of social events, such as bar nights, hikes, cooking classes, and professional networking events. These activities help residents connect on both personal and professional levels, enriching their living experience in Singapore.
  10. How does coliving accommodate the needs of international students and professionals in Singapore? Coliving spaces attract a diverse group of residents, including international students and professionals, by offering fully furnished accommodations, flexible leases, and a built-in community. This setup helps newcomers adjust quickly and build a social network.
Florentine Ameli Warnholtz

Hi, I’m Flo, the Marketing Comms and Event manager at Casa Mia Coliving. Apart from organising the best events and making sure our social media is following the latest trends, I enjoy cooking, hiking, beach-ing and skiing (still waiting for a ski dome in Singapore). 

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